Wednesday 9 October 2013

My top holiday destinations

Cancun Island
Last year I went for an interview and I was asked to make a mood board of my top 4 travel destinations. During the interview, we were asked to make a presentation and explain why we chose those places. My top destination was India, Zanzibar, New York and Mars! Yes Mars, I wanted  to give the impression that I think outside the box. I told them the reason I chose India was because of their spicy food, Zanzibar for its natural beauty, New York because in that city 'there's nothing you can't do' and Mars because I believed there was much more to our universe than just the earth.

Now that I have experienced in New York, (you can read about it here and here) I really cant wait to visit the other places. Maybe not strictly Mars but I definitely want to experience zero gravity/go to space.

Also I might not want to go to India after all and I might pick an exotic island, say the Cancun Island over a visit to India. What can I say, I love beaches.

So what are your top travel destinations? Why would you want to visit these places? What are some of the places you have gone to for Holidays? How was your experience?


  1. Did you get the job?

    1. Good question.

    2. Yes I did. But that was just the second stage of the interview. For the last stage, they flew us to Nigeria to meet the board of directors

    3. So you're now based in Nigeria?

    4. I had to move here after getting that job

  2. The 1st two commenters, you. Guys ehn! Una no go give una answers?

    For me:
    *Zanzibar-out of curiosity to visit the place and see things for myself. Also, the name is kinda appealing.

    *Botswana-one of the country I hardly hear/read about, hence my curiosity to go there.

    *China-read they've got good masseuses and Miss World pageants held there years ago got be interested.

    *Mauritius/Seychelles-they got exotic beaches and romantic spots.

  3. Mario;

    Las vegas...I heard everything that happens there stays there.

    New york...oh same reason as yours.

    Rio....I love em'mamacitas I see on set

    Bologna...ya'll know why or don't you?

    Don't mind me...just didn't wanna pass without a word

  4. Hawaii - simply beautiful
    Wales - magic
    Ireland - luv the people
    Paris - bcos it's Paris
    Phillipines - plain curiosity.
    Japan - dat place is so alive.
    Florida - d beach.
    Colorado - skiing.
    Australia - I just love dat country.

  5. New york- who wouldn't love NY


  6. Ok, My top destination for holidays is Bhimtal, Uttarakhand. I love to see lakes and Highest hills. Bhimtal is really beautiful and attractive place for Holidays.

  7. My favourite destination for holidays is Goa, Mumbai, shimla and Ooty. I am always ready to go those places.
