Thursday 26 September 2013

It is too warm in Texas

I have been in Texas for the past 4 days and even though I am enjoying my stay here, I don't find the weather funny at all.

It is too hot! Infact it is warmer here than in Accra. The heat in the US is definitely different from what I experienced in Accra. At least with the heat in Accra, you get to sweat it off, but your body does not even get the chance to sweat. Its like the air itself is hot. I cant find the right words to describe it.

It was getting cold in Oregon, and I was looking forward to wearing my sweater and boots.

Yesterday we were chatting with a sales attendant and she was saying how we must be happy to escape the cold in Oregon. She said at least in Texas we can enjoy some heat before the cold starts. In my mind, I wanted to tell her how much I had experienced heat all my life and how much I was actually looking forward to the cold weather. But I just kept quiet and smiled at her.

So guys what do you prefer? Cold weather or warm weather. As for me I am team cold weather anyday anytime!


  1. I can imagine. ..I was in Texas last month and I couldn't stand the heat. I don't know how people that live there cope.
    I think prefer it warm but not too warm

  2. You are going to beg and pray for this heat around December &january! My favourite is spring,its already getting cold in Boston.

  3. Lol, I definitely prefer heat anytime, the cold is crazy. In spite of how humid the hot weather can be, I still prefer it.

  4. Warm abi hot?I gave birth to my first,second and third children in texas,cos that was d only place in d states where I could cos of my age,I ve never felt at home there.some of my kids school in boston,and boston gets more snow and winter last a few weeks more.Ny is very hot in summer but during winter is almost d same with boston

    1. Ezewanyi I have some questions for you. Are you the same as sister? cos If I remember sister said she got married early and you also gave the same story. you are the most intriguing person I have ever met online.if you are sister can you go back to typing in pidgin. I rber those days you had me literally rolling on the floor with your comments

  5. Luckily you didn't come during the peak of summer:It was fiercely hot!!!!!!
    It has cooled down a bit now.
    Sincerely, i prefer cold but not snow!

  6. For me Texas is best, i live in houston and tho it can be hot around July-September, we don't get snow. Fall in Houston is awesome, will not trade it for anything

  7. I lived in the UK for 10yrs and those wr the worst 10yrs of my entire life. The cold was a nightmare. I always felt like I was going 2 have an attack or something. I dread winter and no matter how many socks, sweaters, jackets, gloves and hats I wear, that cold must penetrate. The thot of my nose, fingers, feet and chest frozen is hell for me. Coming back to nigeria is a whole lot better. That cold destroyed me. Ppl said I wud get used to it but after 10yrs? No way. I appreciate Lagos weather so much.

  8. @ anonymous 15:20 come to Canada then. At temperatures of -38C in the height of winter, i wonder what you will say.

  9. Come to Minneapolis, you will have a whole new adventure. :)

    1. I was there this weekend. The cold was not funny at all
